Tour Category: Murals
Located on the 100 block of North Castell Avenue (next to McAdoo’s Seafood Company) one block from Main Plaza.
290 W. San Antonio St. Since 1845, the performing arts have been the heartbeat of New Braunfels. Across the decades, drama and music have echoed throughout the Hill Country landscape, creating a need for dance halls and opera houses, theatres, and saloons. Showcasing a wealth of talent both local and imported, these structures have entertained […]
297 W. San Antonio St. In 1879, when the International and Great Northern Railroad bought property here to build a depot, the future of New Braunfels was sealed! The first passenger train arrived in 1880. A few years later, a young woman, Helen Gould, daughter of railroad magnate Jay Gould, came here to visit the […]
209 W San Antonio St – Facing Castell Ave Located at West San Antonio Street and 100 block of Castell Avenue on the wall of the Downtown Antique Building – one block from the Main Plaza.
148 S Castell Ave Located on the west side of Krause’s Café known as Krause Strasse in the 100 block of Castell Avenue – next to The City of a Prince Mural. One block from the Main Plaza.
337 Main Plaza The Mexican American painted mural is a timeline honoring Hispanic heritage from 1600 to 1845. The mural was created by mural artist Alex Rubio of San Antonio Blue Star Contemporary, along with his art students and dedicated on Thursday, May 3 , 2018 at the mural wall of Comal Flower Shop at […]
Located at 165 South Seguin Avenue on the side of the Hoffmann Building (next to the Naegelin’s Bakery parking lot) one block from the Main Plaza.